So much for me blogging every week. It is now one month since our snow day blog. I guess the good thing is that not to much has happened since then. It is hard to believe though that it is going to be the end of February in just a week. Didn't we just open presents? Now we are 1/6 of the way to Christmas 2009. I remember when I was a kid how it seemed like it took forever to get thru the year, but now it goes at light speed. Emma was nor sleeping thru the night and still wetting her pants, and now she very rarely has an accident, potties like a big girl, (both one and two) and this morning she asked for lip gloss, deoderant, and perfume. God help me. Is she turning 3 this year or 13? Steven is getting more interested in girls, (he is just 8), and way more independent. I feel like I want to prop my eyelids open for fear of missing something important. Anyway, lets see what we have been up to. We had a nice celebration for Valentines day. Amy was off so that was nice. Here are some pictures of the kids getting their presents:
This is the kids getting their Hersheys hearts
Emma riding her ladybug

Steven also had a chorus concert at school. He has really enjoyed learning and singing his songs. I have a few pictures of him singing and Emma cheering her Bubby on:

If you squint, you can see Steven 4th from the right on the top row...(I need a new camera)
This is Emma standing up on the table to get a good look at her Bub
I think that's all the events of note over the last month. We have just been working, schooling, and playing. I got approved for a week off in March, so Amy and I will get some stuff done around the house like cleaning the gutters, staining the deck, pressurewashing the house and maybe some yard work. I may even get to run to Virginia for the day and get to do Christmas with Chuck and Lisa and hit some thrift stores. I will try my best to get back in the next week or two. I am also looking at other blog sites like or that Skye suggested. I just want to see what else is out there. When I started blogging, this was the first place I saw. I may stay here, I just want to see what else is out there and compare features. If anything changes, I will let you know. Hope everyone is well. TTYS.
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