Here it is another day, and work was called again today due to ice on the roads and slow production. SO, we get to have a family day which is really cool, since Amy works this weekend. Nothing new has happened since I posted yesterday, except our playing in the snow with the kids. They, us, and Ginger had a great time out there, playing in the snow, snowball fighting, and sledding in the front yard. We were chilled to the bone when we came in, but it was a great time. I have some of the pictures below.
Steven throwing a snowball at daddy.
Amy, Steven, Emma and Ginger playing in the backyard.
Daddy, Steven and Ginger playing in the snow.
Steven and Emma sledding.
And... Kabonk at the bottom of the hill.
Even Mommy tried her hand at sledding.
And Daddy... (sorry about that sled)

Emma's first time in the snow ever, and she had a blast, especially with her bubby sledding.
After the playing in the snow, we took the kids in for hot chocolate and thawing out. It was a great time by all. Emma even got a cup of snow afterwards and ate that too. She really enjoyed her first ever experience with snow. This is two posts in two days. Don't plan on me keeping up this pace. :>) We'll be back with another update soon. Drive safe everyone.
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