This is a tired blog, but it should not be as it has been like 2 weeks plus since I have entered anything. We have just been really busy, but it has been nice the past few days because I had a 4 day weekend, and Amy started her 2 week vacation last Friday. I only have a 3 day week this coming week, then we have another 4 day weekend, but this time to the OUTER BANKS!! I can't wait! The following week, I am taking a day during the week to go to VA to play a round of golf. It will be nice to get somewhat of a break, and especially to have Amy home for the better part of 2 and a 1/2 weeks. It really sucks when she has to work. Anywhoozer, I will go over a few things we have done recently.
After the festivities at the pool, we cooked out and then shot off a few fireworks. Amy then took Steven up the road to see some "real" fireworks, and then home again for the neighbors fireworks show. Steven finally went down at 10:20pm. I think the kids had a good day.
Saturday, we went to Morrisville to Emily and Jody's house. We went to the pool, I took my token trip to look around at Goodwill, and we had chicken smoked on the grill with mac and cheese, and lots of other fixins. Here are a few of those pictures.
I think all in all, the kids had a great weekend as did we. Sunday was a chill out day or so it seemed. We went to Lowes to get a new front porch light. The one we had was beyond crappy. It was one that had the 3 little candle size bulbs and they would burn out every week. The plastic in the sockets had dry rotted and the bulbs would hardly stay in. I took the old one down, (after shutting off the power of course) and rewired the new one that now works perfectly. It feels good to do your own stuff around the house. Amy did some stuff in the yard, and we did a quick store trip for a few items we were short on. I am back to work in the morning, so I will get going. We will be on vacation soon, so I will be back after we return with more news and definitely more pictures of the little "wee wies" on vacation. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!
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