We took a trip down to the Outer Banks a few weeks ago (I know, time has flown) and I just wanted to let everone in on our trip. Amy, myself and the kids went, as well as her parents, my parents, sisters, and niece, and her sister, husband, and our nephew. It was really a good time. We stopped on the way down there at a wildlife preserve so the kids could stretch and pee, and I snapped a picture of Amy and the kids by the sign there.
After we left there, we headed down to the OBX. We met my folks at The Ships Wheel, which is the best breakfast resterant at the beach. If you are ever down there, you have to go.

I told Amy that if we ever won any lotto money, we would have to have a place there on the beach. I grew up vacationing there, and it is nice in the morning, I can tell you that. If you can't relax there, you need to take some meds... (lol) We also went to the Jolly Roger Resterant one night, and their food is really good too. They had some cool pirate statues that Steven and I had our pictures done in front of. He kept asking that night when we would up until we did.

We also did some miniture golfing. Amy's dad and I tied for first, but everyone else did really well too. Steven gets better each time we go, and Emma tried the first hole and the last, but in between, was happy to walk around and have a ring pop.

All in all I would say it was a great trip. It was over far to soon, but it was good to get home. Amy is back to work now, so the vacation is really over. It was great to have her around all the time even if it was only for two weeks. I will leave you with a sunset photo. Birthday blog soon!!

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