Hey all, this is my short post fathers day blog. We had a great weekend last weekend with a little pool action, playing together and relaxing. We are actually going to Greenville today down by ECU where Amy went to college. There are a few things we are going to try to do while there: see the old house, go by campus, eat at Sonic so the kids can play on the playground, just basic stuff like that. I am about to wake them all up so we can get started, but first, some pictures from last weekend.
First off, Steven and I got matching haircuts last week. 

Daddy chucking Steven across the pool.

Finally, for those of you that did not know, there are super heros in Johnston County. After we got back from Greenville today, the kiddos were playing around upstairs and dressed up and thjis was too cute not to include. I think we may have Halloween covered already of it is not too cold yet. We hope everyone is doing well. Be back soon.
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