Hey everyone. Like the title says, blogging is hard with two kiddos. By the time you are done running, and eating, and cleaning up after everyone..., there is not much time left to blog. I promise to try to do better. Maybe Amy and I can rotate, and each blog every 5 days to a week. My sis and her boyfriend are here visiting this weekend, (yay) and are crashed on the sofa resting. Steven is downstairs playing, and Emma is napping as well as Amy (she has work tonight), so I am taking what window I have to get a quick blog in. We have done quite a bit since the last blog. We went to Asheville, NC. to visit Amy's grandmother on Mothers day weekend. That was a long (but nice) trip. It was good to see everyone, and the kids did pretty well in the car on the drive. I don't think Emma is ready for a trip over 4 1/2 hrs for a little while. It was very pretty there in the mountains, and there was plenty of good food. we stayed in a nice hotel with a pool which the kids of course loved. The weather here is looking good. Supposed to be in the upper 70's to mid 80's all this next week. We just got ginger bathed up and shaved for the summer, so she looks really good too. Steven also got his first buzz cut of the impending summer. Emma and I have a litte bit of a cold. Just a little sniffly and she is coughing a little, but nothing bad, and no fever. hopefully this is the last cold of the season, and we can move on to the fun of summer. Steven only has a week or two left of school and then he will be in summer camp of one sort or another for the next few months. Hopefully we can catch up with some friends over the next few months we have not seen in a while, and maybe get to Va once before our beach trip in July for Emma and Tommy's birthday's. Out yard work is finally done as well, and we actually have some grass!! Hopefully we can continue to get rain a day or two a week and it will keep growing. Anyways, let me conclude with some photos of those said kiddos, and some of the stuff they have been doing. Emma in her NC State cheerleader outfit cheering to Daddy
Steven playing in Asheville with his cousin Tommy
Mommy Amy with Steven, Emma, Tommy, and an unknown hound dog...
Emma and Daddy having a huggle in Asheville
The mountains were beautiful
Mommy and Daddy watching a thunderstorm on the porch. Daddy got a shot...
Thats all I got for now. Everyone have a good weekend!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It has been a while!! Blogging is hard, with 2 kiddos
Posted by Clarks in the JC at 1:09 PM
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