What a week it has been. Things really do happen quickly, so let me catch you up on the events of the last week or so. To start things off, Emma ended up getting hand, foot, mouth disease. She had a fever for a day or two, and then got little blisters on her hands, feet, and around her mouth that laster about a week. It is caused by a virus that you mainly get as a kid, and usually do not get again, kind of like chicken pox. Little beknownst to me, I had also never had the illness, but rest asured, I have had it now. I got really beat down Friday, April 3, and came home from work. It had me out of commission until Sunday afternoon, and by then my fever broke and the blisters came. That part sounds worse than it is, as the blisters were the size of a pin head, maybe a little larger. I got a few on my feet, maybe 15-18 on my hands and a hanful inside my mouth. (that was a treat) I did go back to work that Monday, so life got back to another semblance of normal. We looked forward to the arrival of my birthday weekend, and the coming of my parents to visit with us. They arrived on Friday, April 10, but my dads back was messed up. (he did get to retire on the 3rd of April by the way :>) ) I also did something at work on Thursday of last week to tweek my back as well. It was only moderately injured, and then I played golf Friday, (shot 85), and that night after dinner while I played with the kids and visited, it really began to hurt. It was pretty miserable most of Saturday as well, and my dads back was so bad that they went back to Virginia. We did manage to go eat that night at Outback Steakhouse with me, Amy, the kids, Doug and Trish, and Em, Jody, and Tommy. It was nice, but my back still was mesed up. I went to urgent care on Sunday and got some steroids and muscle relaxers, and things have improved greatly. I did go to work Monday, but tried to take it easy. I also can't golf or lift weights until after Wednesday according to the doctor, but that was no problem, as I really just want this to get better. I took a few pictures from this weekend of me, Amy and the kids from my birthday weekend, and a picture of a lizard that Steven found too. I guess that is about it for now. I will go ahead and wish my parents an early 40 year wedding anniversary. It is really warming up here and should be 75 – 80 for the whole next week, so hopefully we can get all of our yard work done we are in the process of and just be able to enjoy it. Hope everyone is well.

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