Some more time has passed, and I think we are back home for a while. Last weekend we went up to VA, to my neck of the woods to visit, for my Mom's birthday. The trip was good. Emma and Steven both did well in the car both ways, and we had a great time as usual.

As you can see, they both had a good time in the car together. They really do get along great, and entertain each other whenever boredom encroaches. Once there, Emma got to play at my parents house, and Steven went with me over to Chuck and Lisa's house to open Christmas gifts, (yes, in March) and he also got to see the dogs.

He really loves playing with them, and Ginger too at home. Steven also got his first taste of getting to ride in the front seat when we went over to Chucks. He needs to be 8 yrs or 80 lbs as a rule here in NC, but I am not sure what the rule is in VA. I just felt that he was close enough to 8 anyway, plus it was vacation, and it was a little something special. He really enjoyed it.

After the trip we have just been hanging out at the house and enjoying being home together as this was Amy's week to be off more during the week. I got a good picture of the kids snuggling on the sofa in the late evening, watching Spongebob Squarepants on TV.

Steven has also been doing really well at Tae Kwon Do lately. He just tested for and passed his test for high green belt. If he works hard and keeps practicing, he could be all the way to black belt in another year so so. He does a really good job in class with his sparring and board breaking. We have some pictures from his last class of him breaking a board, and kicking the standing bag.

I think that is all the news that I have for now. Amy has to work this weekend, so that is a bummer, but I am going to try to play golf at Heritage this weekend with Doug, Ken and Tommy. Hopefully we will get plenty of rain for the area Friday, but it will be long gone by Saturday morning. I will try to get some pictures of that if I can this weekend, and will hopefully be back soon with more news and stories. Hope everyone is well.
Oh my - they are just so cute! Give them a hug from us!!!
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