Well, it is a new month, and we are still fighting the sickies...
Emma will be back to her doctor today to get her ear infection status checked. If it is getting better, we are good there. If not, I think he is going to give Amy 3 doses of Rocephyn to bring home to giver her as shots to kick this thing out of her. She continues to get better on the RSV front, but is still congested and rattles in her chest some. She does well with the inhaler though and has not complained as much as I would. :>)
I am sickly as well. Have been all week, starting last Sunday night. I just went to the doc yesterday, and she was not sure exactly what it was. Could be a sinus infection moving to my lungs, so I got a Z pack for my antibiotic of choice. Hopefully I will feel better by the end of the weekend. I already feel better knowing that it is Amy's weekend off and we can just rest and relax.
Steven is the lucky one in this mixing bowl of illness. He has managed not to get sick yet..., knock on wood. He does have some sniffles, but I think that is due to so much changes in the weather. He just got another report card from school and he did super. He got all S's and is on grade level for everything. I think he is supposed to get tested next year for the accelerated class, so he is really doing well.
I guess that is all I have for now. We are going to enjoy our weekend at home this weekend, as the next 2 or 3 weekends that Amy is off, I think we will be traveling. We are going to Northern VA for a baby shower the next weekend she os off, and will try to get to VA from my neck of the woods the last weekend in Feb. I have been slack on the family photos lately, so I will try too get camera busy and post some pictures soon of the kids. They just grow up so fast!! Everyone have a good weekend!!

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