I wanted to finish my blog last night, but could not, and then woke up too late to finish this morning. I wanted to make sure that I got to work early today because they were supposed to be letting some more people go and I was nervous because now days, you never know. Fortunately, I did not lose my job and everything is ok...for now. The economy just needs to pick up soon. It is scary. Anywhoozer, back to the posting. I forgot to mention that I took Steven out to golf with Doug and I the day before my birthday. He did not play, but did really good at watching, taking pictures and behaving. It really got him even more interested in it. I have some pictures and a video from our golf outing: (pay no attention to my fatness(lol))
Steven hanging out in the golf cart at the first hole
Me driving a ball on a par 5
I had to put the video on because of how Steven reacted. It was pretty cool that I did that with him there. I only wish I would have holed it out. That would have been really cool. Just this past weekend, my sister and her boyfriend of almost 7 years came to visit us. We had a great visit with cooking out and a trip of course to NC State's campus. I also took the kiddos who had a great time as well. Below are some pictures of that:
The kiddos and my sister Emily with her boyfriend John
The NC State belltower
Daddy and Emma at the stadium wolf statue
My kiddos at the game checking out the sites
Daddy at the wolf pride statue at the enterance to the stadium
Those are some pictures of our recent happenings here in good ole Johnston County. I will try not to wait another 3 weeks to post again especially since my folks will be here this coming weekend. Hope all is well with everyone.